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Healing and Racial Equity toward Beloved Community

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Read our latest updates!

Featuring highlights from Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation in Metro Lansing and beyond, and One Love Global's exciting future plans

Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) is a process to engage communities in racial healing and equity. Through truth and recognition of history, we work towards equitable policy solutions and foster new ways of relating as human beings.


The TRHT framework was designed by Dr. Gail Christopher and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.


You can view it here!

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We build power of directly impacted communities and allies to advocate for policy and systems transformation for the long-term, particularly focused on the wellbeing of youth. Learn more about how we are working to sustain BIPOC-led racial equity work >>


We fuse organizing elements of Emergent Strategy, Momentum, People’s Assemblies, Collective Impact, and Movement for Black Lives, as well as innovations created locally to support youth organizing and popular education.

Our theory of action is rooted in the community organizing principle of learning by doing. View the theory of action here >>


Our members and working groups are encouraged to challenge assumptions, consider the impact of decisions -- including the voices and perspectives involved in making decisions -- and leverage their power to uphold racial equity.

Rally for Black lives at Lansing Capitol

We Are Lansing

TRHT local action

Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation healing circles grow from Indigenous practice and are designed to focus on stories that affirm our common humanity rather than on solving a problem. They are designed to go much deeper into the heart space by encouraging people to tell their stories, to listen deeply to the stories of others, find common ground and enable us to see our common humanity to help us to see ourselves in the perceived other.

Our deep commitment to racial healing has inspired us to ask: What does racial healing look like to me? What we are learning is that there is not one way to heal. The paths to our healing are expansive and non-linear. We explore the realm of healing practices, from those rooted in justice to those rooted in nature, somatics, and spirituality.

Are you interested in racial healing circles?


We host circles that are open to individual community members throughout the year. Please follow the link below to be notified about the next healing circles. You can also visit the TRHT-ML Facebook Event page to check for upcoming opportunities.

If you are interested in racial healing circles for your group or organization, please contact us at We meet requests for TRHT racial healing circles in the order we receive them and based on the capacities of the healing circle keepers.

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Download and share the flyer above to spread the word about racial healing circles!

Heaing Circles

The Racial Equity Accountability Process (REAP) is a process through which we can address violence and harm in our community and cultivate repair and healing together. It explores how we hold systems and decision makers accountable for conditions and actions that reinforce oppression and violence, and it centers the needs of those who experience harm. Racial healing circles are central to this process.

On October 16, 2021, we extended invitations to the two Lansing mayoral candidates, Andy Schor and Kathie Dunbar, and members of the Alliance of Lansing Pastors, to participate in this racial equity accountability process beginning in January 2022 with the celebration of the National Day of Racial Healing. In alignment with our commitment to transparency, the announcement and invitations are documented below.

We are developing a Frequently Asked Questions section and will share additional information. We hope you will join us in being a part of this process. If you have questions, please reach out to us at


Truly uprooting racism is a long-term fight. The Beloved Community Fund works to sustain Black-led racial equity efforts in our community for the long term. Inspired by the vision of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are building toward a Beloved Community, where love, equity and peace are enjoyed by all.

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has committed to matching $250,000 if we raise the equivalent by April 2022. The $500,000 will be used to establish an endowment fund that will sustain racial equity work in our community.

Help us build a beloved community! We are seeking investors and partners to support this fund and continued racial equity work. Connect with us at

Join the Learning Community

Together, we make up a Learning Community to actively engage in learning and action related to Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation. We built out a learning community space where we share learning resources that prepare us to lead narrative change, healing and racial equity in our community.


The Learning Community space includes key documents related to TRHT. Sign up for the Learning Community newsletter to get resources and updates delivered directly to your inbox!

Learning Community
Blue Sky

Get Involved

Achieving racial equity takes all of us! There are numerous opportunities to join TRHT Metro Lansing working groups, healing circles, and develop deeper partnerships.


Subscribe to receive updates on ways to get involved.

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One Love Global's mission is to transform communities so Black children experience justice, peace, healing, opportunity, and abundance.


We envision global liberation and reparations where Black people experience radical love of self, community, and planet.


Lansing Office:

3525 S Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite B

Lansing, MI 48910

Mailing & Donations:

P.O. Box 81157, Lansing, MI 48908

EIN: 20-0373503

© 2008 - 2024 by One Love Global

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