Together, we can mobilize Black voters and combat suppression, ensuring voices in Black communities are heard and reflected at the polls
Black the Vote is a campaign and call to action, encouraging civic engagement, voter turnout, and uplift issues impacting Black communities. Black the Vote is led by One Love Global in partnership with the Movement for Black Lives and Black Lives Matter.
Assembly Video Archive
Be present and comment publicly at the Lansing City Council Meetings. Your statement should include a personal introduction, awareness of the issue, the ask/demand, and a closing statement.
Our Priorities
Defund the police and invest the money in community organizations.
Ensure livable wages for all to meet basic needs without worry.
Divert funds to community programs and mental health help (preventative measures).
These are the top priorities named and ranked by Lansing community members, which have guided our work together forward. The first Lansing People’s Assembly took place on July 18, 2020. Participants responded to the following questions during breakout group conversations:
What does safety mean to you? When you imagine safety, what does it look and feel like? How will you know when you are safe? What do you think will be important for our city to do to achieve collective safety? What systems need to be improved? What else needs to happen?
Key themes were compiled into a list of more than 80 ideas and actions for change. The community then ranked the ideas and actions that are most important to them.
People's assemblies are grounded in the lived experiences we bring and those of our neighbors. In January 2021, we launched into the new year with stories and data about Lansing. This included a review of where disparities exist across education, economic opportunity, environments, and health.
Together, we are focused on bringing about real change by translating community needs to actual policy and action. This includes the development of a local BREATHE Act, a people's budget, and engaging elected officials and candidates so that we elect champions of the people.
Check out the resources below to dream and mobilize with us >>
Learning Resources
Lansing Peoples Assembly
Lansing People's Assembly is a community-driven process for deeper civic engagement in government decision-making.
​We learned the people’s assembly model from the People’s Advocacy Institute, who have successfully implemented it in Jackson, MS. We encourage you to learn more about the process in our sister city Jackson and dream with us about how the process can support transformation in Lansing.
Follow Us
The Breathe Act
Policy Resources to Review
Start Here
How a Bill Becomes Law (Michigan Legislature)
This is a general and very brief description of the major steps of the legislative process a bill must go through before it is enacted into law.
Budget Resources to Review
Start Here
An introductory guide to city and county budgets released by the Community Resource Hub to help communities engaged in campaigns to #DefundPolice and invest in community needs.
2019-2020 City of Lansing Adopted Budget
The city finances, revenue, expenditures and the priorities of city leadership.
Chart summaries of where city funding comes from and where it goes.
FY2020/21 Budget Hearing Schedule
Mark your calendar! These are upcoming budget hearings to tune in for.
FY 2019/20 Lansing Police Budget (excerpt)
Publicly available detail on how the police department is funded and what it spends money on.
Leadership Resources to Review
Procedures for how we operate local government, including the powers and duties of elected officials and opportunities for citizen involvement.
4 of Lansing's City Council members represent wards, and 4 are at-large.
The committees Council members participate in.